The Creator’s Song: Conducting the Cosmic Symphony
Mankind has been created in the image of God in order to conduct a cosmic symphony of praise to the Creator. Conducting this cosmic symphony requires that each person attain communion with both God and the creation, and together within himself, mankind conducts this symphony of praise.
Creators Song – A Cosmic Symphony of Praise:
I hear the whisper of a thousand blades roaring,
fields crashing like open waves.
Read between lines of red and green falling,
hear the Master calling.
Hands run over the pock marked surface rough,
gathering wisdom from ancient stones.
Birds their prayers soar; cattle hymns crawl.
The deafening praise of all.
Pulsing, playing, hear it’s call.
Open eye…
Open ear…
Open touch of heart beat real.
The cosmos sings, do you chime along?
Conducting symphony, the Creator’s song.
Conducting the Cosmic Symphony
Mankind is called to conduct a Cosmic Symphony, of creation to it’s Creator. All of nature sings a song of praise; the task of man is to bring those melodies into harmony. To sculpt the cacophony into a melodic polyphonic masterpiece.

In order to accomplish this, man must first listen. He must listen to the voice of creation; he must hear it’s songs and learn them. Only then can he begin to conduct them by adding his own voice to theirs.
Join us as we strive to create a more peaceful world as we seek to meet the Creator, through the creation. Strive with us to develop an authentic Trinitarian communion, as we honor our God, demonstrate love to one another, and show compassion upon all of nature.
Want to learn how to conduct the cosmic symphony of praise? Then join us at one of our Holy Wild Gatherings.
Rewild Church meets in Pittstown, NJ and in various other locations throughout Hunterdon County New Jersey.
Contact Rewild Church
Christian Ecology, Theology, and Holistic Herbalism
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Pittstown, NJ (Hunterdon County New Jersey)