Wild Worship Gatherings
For Wild Worship Gathering, we will meet together in God’s original cathedral, nature, and worship the Creator of the creation. Our worship will be Trinitarian at its core, acknowledging that God is a Triunity, a Divine Dance, that extends in love to contain all within.
What to expect at a Wild Worship Gathering:
The Wild Worship Gathering will consist of prayer, psalms, singing and chanting, as well as some ritual. In these worship gatherings we will use many of the traditions from the early church, as their worship tended to be more holistic than many of our contemporary models.
All are welcome to join us for our Wild Worship Gatherings, as we seek to worship the Creator, in and through His creation.

What to Bring to a Wild Worship Gathering:
- Comfortable shoes for hiking and standing for long periods of time
- Drinking Water
- Bible and/or Psalter (Optional)
- An open heart and a worshipful spirit
FAQ – Wild Worship Gatherings
What denomination are you? Vas Avramidis, the chaplain for Rewild Church is an ordained Eastern Orthodox priest, but Rewild Church itself is transdenominational. Rewild Church Wild Worship Gatherings therefore will not push any specific denominational doctrine. The focus of Rewild Church is to get back to the churches early roots of primitive, traditional worship, as well as awakening the soul of mankind to the mystery that surrounds us; In the Creator we live and move and have our being. Properly seen and understood, everything is sacred, a meeting place with the divine. All the world is a burning bush.
What if I am not a Christian? Everyone is welcome to attend our Wild Worship Gatherings, believers, skeptics, and all those in between. All we ask is that you be sincere in your attendance and remain respectful of our beliefs and practices. If you have questions, we will do our best to answer those at the appropriate time.
Join us as we strive to create a more peaceful world as we seek to meet the Creator, through the creation. Strive with us to develop an authentic Trinitarian communion, as we honor our God, demonstrate love to one another, and show compassion upon all of nature.
Wild Worship Gatherings take place in Pittstown, NJ and in various other locations throughout Hunterdon County New Jersey.
Contact Rewild Church .:. Wild Worship Gatherings .:. Christian Ecology, Theology, and Holistic Herbalism
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Wild Worship Gathering .:. Christian Theological Ecology – New Jersey