Wild Plant Medicine Gatherings
In this series of gatherings we will begin to study the bounty of plant medicine that is available to us in the creation. God created every plant, every living thing, with purpose, and therefore, many of the Creator’s plants are filled with powerful medicinal qualities and nutritive constituents.
What to expect in a Plant Medicine Gathering:
Each gathering will focus on a different aspect of holistic health and herbalism; some gatherings will be in the field, and others at our homestead. Regardless of the topic, we will be discussing the Creator, the Bible, our Spiritual Anthropology, Plant Energetics, Herbal Actions and Tastes, Individual Constitutions, Body, Mind, Soul, and much much more.
All are welcome to join us for our Wild Worship Gatherings, as we seek to worship the Creator, in and through His creation.

What to Bring to a Wild Plant Medicine Gathering:
- A notebook and pen or pencil
- An open heart and an adventurous spirit
Interested in studying Christian Herbalism?
Visit our partner, the School of Christian Herbalism and check out their new course, Foundations Christian Herbalism.
FAQ – Wild Plant Medicine Gatherings
Why will you be talking about God? We are a Christian herbal organization and therefore, we see all of creation through the lens of our faith. At Rewild Church, we believe that God created all the plants and filled many of them with a healing essence. Both plants and mankind were created to assist one another and coexist in mutual respect. Therefore, the very foundation of our herbal philosophy is spiritual; much like nearly every other ancient healing modality on the planet was founded by spiritual peoples, ours likewise was founded by those who sought after and worshiped the Triune Creator.
What if I am not a Christian? Everyone is welcome to attend our Wild Plant Medicine Gatherings, believers, skeptics, and all those in between. All we ask is that you be sincere in your attendance and remain respectful of our beliefs and practices. If you have questions, we will do our best to answer those at the appropriate time.
But this sounds a bit new age? Please trust us, or at least give us a chance to layout our theology. Our beliefs are actually much closer to those of the early church, especially the eastern branch of Christianity. We have spent a great deal of time meditating on the scriptures, the nature of God, creation, and mankind – contemplating the purpose and end of all living beings. All we can say is that if you are skeptical, that is good, come and see, if you don’t like what you see, then you are free to depart from us.
Join us as we strive to create a more peaceful world as we seek to meet the Creator, through the creation. Strive with us to develop an authentic Trinitarian communion, as we honor our God, demonstrate love to one another, and show compassion upon all of nature.
Wild Plant Medicine Gatherings take place in Pittstown, NJ and in various other locations throughout Hunterdon County New Jersey.
Contact Rewild Church .:. Wild Plant Medicine Gatherings .:. Christian Ecology, Theology, and Holistic Herbalism
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The content on our website and in our courses is for educational purposes only. Although we try our utmost to provide useful and accurate information, you are responsible to research and verify information before relying on it. We are trained herbalists, educators, and guides; we are not licensed or registered healthcare practitioners, therapists, or doctors.
We cannot diagnose health conditions, nor prescribe medicines; we are not medical doctors. However, we will recommend or suggest medicinal herbs for various health complaints, as we believe in the safety and efficacy of botanical medicine. It is up to you to research and decide the best course of action for yourself.
The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment. You are responsible for your own health. As with conventional medicine, herbal medicine is vast and complex, and must be used responsibly.
It is your responsibility to monitor what you consume and how much you consume. We are not responsible for any injury, harm, or reactions that may occur on one of our walks.
Wild Plant Medicine Gathering .:. Christian Theological Ecology and Herbalism – New Jersey