Wild Prayer Walks
Wild Prayer Walks (Hikes) are meditative and contemplative hikes in various wild places around New Jersey. During these walks we will have a short time of prayer at the beginning of the hike, as well as a short discussion about God, creation, and our communion with both the Creator and the creation. Then we will spend some time hiking through the wilderness in relative silence, meditating on all that we see and hear around us. When we reach our destination, we will have a short time of worship and discussion.
What to expect on a Wild Prayer Walk:
Wild Prayer Walks will vary from time-to-time. In general, they will consist of a period of silent meditation, whether that occurs during the hiking portion, or once we reach our destination will vary depending on the focus of each Wild Prayer Walk. Other elements that will be utilized during our prayer hikes are contemplation, meditation, awareness of surroundings, and occasionally a hands on task. At the conclusion of each wild prayer hike, there will always be a time of open discussion, where you will have an opportunity to share or ask questions.
All are welcome to join us for our Wild Prayer Walks and Hikes, as we seek to achieve communion with the Creator and the creation.

What to Bring to a Wild Prayer Walk and Hike:
- Comfortable shoes for hiking
- Drinking water
- Bible and/or Psalter (Optional)
- A blanket to sit on (Optional)
- Notebook and pen or pencil
- An open heart and a worshipful spirit
FAQ – Wild Prayer Walks and Hikes
What denomination are you? Vas Avramidis, the chaplain for Rewild Church is an ordained Eastern Orthodox priest, but Rewild Church itself is transdenominational. Rewild Church Prayer Walks therefore will not push any specific denominational doctrine. The focus of Rewild Church is to reawakening the soul of mankind to the mystery that surrounds us; In the Creator we live and move and have our being. Properly seen and understood, everything is sacred, a meeting place with the divine. All the world is a burning bush.
What if I am not a Christian? Everyone is welcome to attend our Wild Prayer Walks: believers, skeptics, and all those in between. All we ask is that you be sincere in your attendance and remain respectful of our beliefs and practices. If you have questions, we will do our best to answer those at the appropriate time.
How difficult are the hikes? The hikes will vary in difficulty from very easy, to moderately difficult. We will offer a variety of walks for every skill level and physical make-up. The difficulty rating will be listed in the information for each walk on the calendar.
Join us as we strive to create a more peaceful world as we seek to meet the Creator, through the creation. Strive with us to develop an authentic Trinitarian communion, as we honor our God, demonstrate love to one another, and show compassion upon all of nature.
Wild Prayer Walks & Hikes take place in Pittstown, NJ and in various other locations throughout Hunterdon County New Jersey.
Contact Rewild Church .:. Wild Prayer Walks & Hikes .:. Christian Ecology, Theology, and Holistic Herbalism
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Wild Prayer Walk and Hike .:. Christian Theological Ecology – New Jersey